Bird Tattoos Designs Meaning

Bird tattoos are popular and far ranged. You will commonly find sparrows, owls, crows and ravens, doves, and hummingbirds.

  • Crows and ravens symbolize revival and messenger of God.
  • Doves symbolize Christianity, peace, hope, and new life.
  • Eagles can represent might, spiritual growth, and patronism.
  • Hummingbirds tend to represent a love charm and one who hoards.
  • Owls symbolize wisdom and imbecility.
  • Sparrows symbolize freedom, love, and loyalty.
Bird Tattoos Designs
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Bird Tattoos 2
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Bird Tattoos 5Bird Tattoos Designs


  1. if the dude with the amateur bird scrawlings were drawn by his kids, thats definitley the best from this bunch

  2. I like the real looking swallows, unique, quite well done. Looks good, wont get boring like other designs can


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