Shark Tattoo Designs - In the West, the shark is viewed as the world’s greatest predator, and the shark tattoo a symbol of power and fearlessness. It’s been a long tradition among sailors to have a shark tattoo as proof you are not afraid of death at sea – and for protection. Western sailors, always a superstitious lot, regarded the shark as a kind of sea vulture, sniffing out imminent death and hanging around boats, waiting for a meal. If you spotted a shark following your ship, it was ominous, indeed. It could only mean one thing -- someone was about to die.
Shark Tattoo Designs Pictures
For indigenous peoples around the world, whose appreciation of nature came from hunting and survival, the shark is seen as something more positive than the man-eating machine depicted in Jaws. It’s a sacred animal, and its power and strength were more revered than feared. The totems of some First Nations in North America include the shark as a symbol of the hunter, for his ability to adapt and survive. In Australia, the shark is regarded with the same awe and respect that Westerners give the eagle or lion. The shark is considered a sacred symbol of the connection between the land and the sea, as well as a favourite food! Aborigines could recognize when a shark was ‘fat’, meaning ‘ready for catching’. They came to believe that the many varieties of shark were placed on earth for the nourishment of man.
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